Tag Archives: chinese new song

黃明志新年歌 CNY SONG by Namewee 發財寶大拜年

Name Wee wishes all a happy Chinese New Year
Name Wee wishes all a happy Chinese New Year

I know this Chinese New Year video by controversial Malaysian singer/writer/filmmaker, Name Wee (黃明志), is one year old, but I just saw it a few days ago. I had fun watching it and am sharing it here.

Please note that that the video is laced with vulgarities like all other productions by Name Wee. Do not watch it if such languages offend you or if you are underaged:

If you cannot get enough of the video, here’s the behind-the-scene:

Ignoring the vulgarities, Name Wee do make senses for the three issues he pointed out about local CNY songs – 1) they all sound the same with no originality, reflecting a lack of creativity and cheap commercialism to cash in on the festive season 2) the lyrics on the four seasons are really not relevant in this part of the tropical world 3) firecrackers have been banned eons ago in this region, how come the lyrics are still not localised to reflect that?

True hor? It’s not just in Malaysia; Singapore also like that. Here are seven examples of such videos.

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