Tag Archives: smrt moving people enhancing lives

[Internet Meme] Where have you seen Ms Saw Phaik Hwa?

Via EDMW. I did not photoshop these pictures ah.

The meme was inspired by the stunning image of SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa dressed up as Cleopatra and carried on a throne by an entourage of half-naked men.

You are welcome to contribute if you are interested. Here’s the link to the transparent background template file.

A few of my favourites:

The Queen of Eygpt on her way to Singapore to become CEO of SMRT
The Queen of Eygpt on her way to Singapore to become CEO of SMRT
The Queen of Egypt meets the Rajah of India
The Queen of Egypt meets the Rajah of India
Train Disruption? It's okay, if you have your own entourage of muscle slaves to carry you around
Train Disruption? It's okay, if you have your own entourage of muscle slaves to carry you around
Inspecting poor peasants who have to queue to board SMRT shuttle buses after train breakdown
Inspecting poor peasants who have to queue to board SMRT shuttle buses after train breakdown
Embarking on a SMRT tunnel walk
Embarking on a SMRT tunnel walk
Look who's inside the SMRT train track?
Look who's inside the SMRT train track?
Inspecting SMRT tunnel
Inspecting SMRT tunnel
Inspecting the beautiful free grafitti on SMRT train
Inspecting the beautiful free grafitti on SMRT train
Shopping at Orchard Road
Shopping at Orchard Road
Inspecting Kim Jong Il's dead body
Inspecting Kim Jong Il's dead body
Recruiting Ewoks to repair SMRT trains
Recruiting Ewoks to repair SMRT trains
The best mode of transport to evade ERP
The best mode of transport to evade ERP
Inspecting SMRT buses to ensure the drivers know their bus routes
Inspecting SMRT buses to ensure the drivers know their bus routes
Final destination.
Final destination.
My all-time favourite: How Ms Saw made the Angry Birds angry...
My all-time favourite: How Ms Saw made the Angry Birds angry...

Meet the Queen of SMRT Saw Phaik Hwa

Who needs those A&F models when I can have my own entourage of naked men?
Who needs those imported A&F male models when I can have my own entourage of naked men?

All pictures via EDMW, allegedly taken 2 months ago at a SMRT Dinner & Dance event at Resort World Sentosa.

Other than being a Taiji Grandmaster, SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa also enjoys playing queen to an entourage of bare-bodied muscle men:

SMRT throne - sit here and you can control Singapore's public transport
SMRT throne - sit here and you can control Singapore's public transport
Satki factor 100%
Satki factor 100%
The Queen waiting to be carried onto her throne
The Queen waiting to be carried onto her throne
Train breakdown? It's okay, these muscled men are here!
Train breakdown? It's okay, these muscled men are here!
Hail the Queen!
Hail the Queen!

Tribute Music Video: SMRT Ruins Lives (to the tune of Jingle Bells)

After a breakdown of the Circle Line on Thursday and the North-South line yesterday; SMRT scored a magnificent hat trick with another breakdown on the North-South line this morning. Check out the Twitter hashtag, #SMRTruinslives to learn of the latest news development. SMRT is on a winning streak; there may be more breakdowns to come.

My friend and fellow blogger, Kevin, made this tribute video for SMRT to celebrate their victory in continuously ruining people’s lives for three days in a row. It is sung to the tune of the Christmas classic, “Jingle Bells” to go with the festive season. Enjoy:

Btw, do check out the fantastic double SMRT headline news this evening on both our Chinese evening papers:

SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Lianhe Wanbao headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Lianhe Wanbao headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Shin Min Daily headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Shin Min Daily headline news

If you are interested to find out more on how #SMRTruinslives, reports, videos and pictures are available via omy.sg below:

南北线地铁 今早又瘫痪 (North-South line is down again this morning)

南北线地铁 今南北线及东西线地铁明日10点运行 (North-South and East-West lines to start operation at 10am tomorrow)

南北地铁线故障5小时 交通瘫痪画面记录 (Video footage of North-South line breakdown on Thursday)

SMRT解答公众四大疑问 (SMRT answers four main public queries)

地铁瘫痪是因供电轨严重受损 (SMRT explains cause of Thursday North-South line breakdown)

吕德耀:地铁事故“极其严重” (Lui Tuck Yew: The SMRT breakdowns are “very very serious”)

地铁故障赚钱良机 SMRT道歉 (SMRT apologies for insensitive “Income Opportunity” message to cab drivers)

SMRT CEO apologises for train disruption

True Story: SMRT President & CEO Saw Phaik Hwa is an Ardent Practitioner of Taiji

"Seawiciously" hor
"Seawiciously" hor

It is stated on SMRT‘s own Board of Directors page on their coporate website:

“Ms Saw is an ardent practitioner of taiji and sits on the Council of the Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association as President and as Vice President on the Executive Committee of the International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation. She is also appointed as Governor for Singapore and Malaysia for the international body of Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan Academy as well as 3rd Vice Chairman of Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation.”

In today’s news, SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa apologised to commuters for the five-hour long train disruption on yesterday evening.

Ms Saw promised that SMRT would spare no effort to prevent a recurrence of Thursday’s incident, and will look into the incident management plan and crowd management.

She also said that she would consider calls by some for resignation to take responsibility.

I am sure Ms Saw and her team at SMRT are going through a tough period now, working hard to improve our public transport system.

Nonetheless, a little humour won’t hurt to lighten the tension Ms Saw is facing (this blog post is obviously written tongue-in-cheek). I am sure she knows the right and fair things to do after a thorough investigation of the incident.

Who was the hero who smashed SMRT train window yesterday during the breakdown?

Was it an Alien?

The new, upcoming Alien movie was shot in Singapore, set in a SMRT train (image via EDMW)
The new Alien movie was shot in Singapore, set in a SMRT train (image via EDMW)

Or was it an Angry Bird?

Angry Bird LIVE! Only on SMRT trains!
Angry Bird LIVE! Only on SMRT trains! (image via EDMW)

Or was it the Incredible Hulk?

Bruce Banner transformed into the Incredible Hulk to rescue SMRT passengers (image via EDMW)
Bruce Banner was so angry he turned into the Incredible Hulk (image via EDMW)


Local hero on Lianhe Wanbao headline today
Local hero on Lianhe Wanbao headline today
The same hero was also featured in Shin Min Daily headline today
The same hero was also featured in Shin Min Daily headline today

It was a 31 year-old Singaporean insurance agent. Well done dude. I sewriously hope SMRT would not slap him with a fine for vandalism as the act was committed under extreme circumstances.